[Tockit-general] The FD3 lattice
J. Hereth
2003-03-11 15:36:41 UTC
Dear members of the Lattice of the Week Society [1],

after some research in our archives I was unfortunately not able to find
the source code for the nice screen saver with the jumping lattice FD3
[2]. However, I found a csc file which shows a diagram of the lattice
structure. I converted it to csx, so you can have a look at it with Elba
or Siena from the ToscanaJ suite. You can find it at:


If any of you is able to turn this beautiful structure again in a
happily hopping something, the whole Lattice of the Week Society would
be very glad indeed :-)



[1] As Rudolf Wille, one of the founder of the Society told us last
Thursday [3], you become a meember of the Lattice of the Week Society
if you are not explicitly objecting to you becoming a member. For this
reason, the Lattice of the Week Society is probably one of the biggest
community with a mathematics related topic worldwide. We hope to make
the members more active by sending as important research issues as the
one above. So, if you too want to enjoy the wonderful world of lattices,
just come in and participate!

[2] FD3 is the distributive lattice freely generated by three
generators. It is famous for its sex appeal (especially in the hopping
mode). Not all of us choose their names to something as unusual as
'Frithjof' to match the initials, however.

[3] Thank you, Julia, for organizing the soiree!
J. Hereth Correia <***@mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de>
Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Mathematics
J. Hereth
2003-03-11 15:41:08 UTC
Dear members of the Lattice of the Week Society,

as always things are changing fast: I just found the sourcecode of the
jumping fd3! It is an old C++ program using the Borland OWL library.
You can find it at




J. Hereth Correia <***@mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de>
Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Mathematics
Bastian Wormuth
2003-03-11 18:17:19 UTC
Hi all,

is there anybody who know how to turn it into a screensaver again ?


Bastian Wormuth
Lauteschlägerstrasse 42
D - 64289 Darmstadt

Tel: ++49 (0) 6151/718039
Email: ***@mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de

Tuesday, March 11, 2003, 6:39:15 PM, you wrote:

JH> Dear members of the Lattice of the Week Society,

JH> as always things are changing fast: I just found the sourcecode of the
JH> jumping fd3! It is an old C++ program using the Borland OWL library.
JH> You can find it at

JH> http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~hereth/latticeoftheweek

JH> too.

JH> Enjoy!

JH> Jo
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