[Tockit-general] Docco: next one
Peter Becker
2004-04-06 00:44:02 UTC
Hi all,

another version of Docco, changes this time:
- submit button is enabled if query in field matches current query
(allows re-submitting)
- on startup the diagram is empty again (not the last query)
- on startup if no index exists, the indexing dialog appears
- if no node is selected, all matches are shown in the tree (i.e.
directly after query and after removal of selection)
- help is updated.

Grab it here:

Can someone read the documentation (Help->How to use Docco...) and tell
me if there are easy-to-fix problems? I know the browser is ugly and we
should add images, etc. At the moment I don't have other things to do,
but the content, spelling and grammar should be ok.

BTW: you can also read the same documentation with your preferred
browser by opening "doc/index.html"

