Peter Becker
2006-03-02 01:09:00 UTC
Hello all,
Sourceforge offers Subversion services now and since I much prefer
Subversion over CVS I started to move both the ToscanaJ and Tockit
projects straight away. This means the repository is now available via
Subversion and to ensure that we don't do any unwanted forks I closed
the CVS repositories. That happened under the assumption that there are
no open changes out in any sandboxes -- if that should have been wrong,
please contact me ASAP.
As a consequence to this move, the old cvslogs mailing lists are
obsolete. I did not remove them since the archives could still be
useful, but they will get no further messages. I couldn't figure out how
to disallow subscription, but I changed the welcome message to inform
new subscribers about the pointlessness of their endeavour. Not that I
really expect anyone to read that message, but at least they got told :-)
The cvslogs mailing lists are now replaced with the option to read the
commits on the CIA website ( or via their RSS feeds.
Check and to see the log messages and get
the links for the RSS feeds.
The SVN projects are and -- both use the standard
setup with the trunk/tags/branches folders underneath. Here are
recommended SVN checkout commands for the various tools:
ToscanaJ: svn co
Tupleware: svn co
Docco: svn co docco
Crepe: svn co crepe
Tockit libs: svn co libraries
I will support Ant and Eclipse as build tools from now on and changed
the setup so everything can be just checked out into Eclipse without any
major setup hassles, i.e. each of the above checkouts will create an
Eclipse project folder including the .project and .classpath files, plus
maybe other Eclipse-specific setup.
If you want to use Eclipse you are best of using Subclipse to check out
the projects. Just get a 3.x Eclipse release and follow these
instructions to install Subclipse:
Once you installed Subclipse, go into the SVN Repository Exploring
perspective as shown at the bottom, right click into the SVN Repository
view (should be on the left) and select "New->Repository location...". I
recommend adding only the two toplevel URLs, stopping just before the
"/trunk" bit. After you added the locations, you can open the trees and
find the rest of the paths there.
To check out a project, just right click on the matching folder, say
"Checkout..." and hit "Finish" -- the default options should be all
good. A folder is right if it contains the ".project" and ".classpath"
files. To find it you basically go through all the missing bits of the
URLs above, e.g. Docco would be trunk/java/applications/docco in the location.
Once the checkout is through, Eclipse should automatically build the
program. To run the tools you just need to find the main Java files
(typically in the topmost package, e.g. net.sourceforge.toscanaj or
org.tockit.docco), right-click that file in the Package Explorer (back
in the Java perspective) and select "Run As->Java Application". That
should be all it takes.
Sourceforge offers Subversion services now and since I much prefer
Subversion over CVS I started to move both the ToscanaJ and Tockit
projects straight away. This means the repository is now available via
Subversion and to ensure that we don't do any unwanted forks I closed
the CVS repositories. That happened under the assumption that there are
no open changes out in any sandboxes -- if that should have been wrong,
please contact me ASAP.
As a consequence to this move, the old cvslogs mailing lists are
obsolete. I did not remove them since the archives could still be
useful, but they will get no further messages. I couldn't figure out how
to disallow subscription, but I changed the welcome message to inform
new subscribers about the pointlessness of their endeavour. Not that I
really expect anyone to read that message, but at least they got told :-)
The cvslogs mailing lists are now replaced with the option to read the
commits on the CIA website ( or via their RSS feeds.
Check and to see the log messages and get
the links for the RSS feeds.
The SVN projects are and -- both use the standard
setup with the trunk/tags/branches folders underneath. Here are
recommended SVN checkout commands for the various tools:
ToscanaJ: svn co
Tupleware: svn co
Docco: svn co docco
Crepe: svn co crepe
Tockit libs: svn co libraries
I will support Ant and Eclipse as build tools from now on and changed
the setup so everything can be just checked out into Eclipse without any
major setup hassles, i.e. each of the above checkouts will create an
Eclipse project folder including the .project and .classpath files, plus
maybe other Eclipse-specific setup.
If you want to use Eclipse you are best of using Subclipse to check out
the projects. Just get a 3.x Eclipse release and follow these
instructions to install Subclipse:
Once you installed Subclipse, go into the SVN Repository Exploring
perspective as shown at the bottom, right click into the SVN Repository
view (should be on the left) and select "New->Repository location...". I
recommend adding only the two toplevel URLs, stopping just before the
"/trunk" bit. After you added the locations, you can open the trees and
find the rest of the paths there.
To check out a project, just right click on the matching folder, say
"Checkout..." and hit "Finish" -- the default options should be all
good. A folder is right if it contains the ".project" and ".classpath"
files. To find it you basically go through all the missing bits of the
URLs above, e.g. Docco would be trunk/java/applications/docco in the location.
Once the checkout is through, Eclipse should automatically build the
program. To run the tools you just need to find the main Java files
(typically in the topmost package, e.g. net.sourceforge.toscanaj or
org.tockit.docco), right-click that file in the Package Explorer (back
in the Java perspective) and select "Run As->Java Application". That
should be all it takes.